

Your Business, Weather-Proofed.

Hyper-accurate forecasts, tailored to your specific needs. From raw data to actionable insights, we've got your business covered.


Weather, Your Business's Biggest Risk.

Climate change is intensifying weather events. Traditional forecasts are falling short. Protect your business with our hyper-accurate weather data and actionable insights. Build resilience, stay ahead of the curve.

How we do it?

Forecasts: We refine raw weather data using our proprietary algorithms, incorporating hyper-local terrain and soil information for high accuracy. The resulting dataset powers our advanced forecasting models, delivering highly precise predictions tailored to your specific location and needs.


Insights: We don’t just provide forecasts; we deliver actionable insights. By analyzing our data, we can help you anticipate extreme weather events, optimize operations, and make informed decisions that enhance profitability. With our insights, you'll be better equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by weather.


Core Meteorological Parameters: Temperature, atmospheric pressure, dew point, relative humidity, rainfall and snowfall, freezing level, wind speed and direction, wind gusts, visibility, and more.

Aviation-Specific Data: Density altitude, QNH, icing conditions, and other critical aviation parameters.

Operational Insights: GNSS jamming/spoofing, space weather (KP index, Aurora), airspace information, and population density data.

Global Airport Coverage: METAR, TAF and SIGMET reports for airports worldwide.


Do you need others?

Seamless Integration

We offer custom solutions tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that our weather data aligns perfectly with your business objectives. Our service is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing systems, ensuring effortless access to critical weather information. You can easily incorporate our data into your workflows, making informed decisions based on real-time weather updates.


Platform: Increase safety, compliance, and efficiency of your drone operations. Decision support tools to help you manage weather threats, especially for BVLOS operations.

APIs: Access our weather data through our robust APIs.

Try our weather API

Observation Network: Certified weather station installation and wide-area observation networks. Make use of the weather and be sure you have the information you need to make informed decisions.

© 2024 Atmosoar - Atmospheric Soaring Technologies